There is a fine line…

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Delayed Gratification versus Delaying your Dreams.

In my life, I have been very guilty of punishing myself. I have punished myself thru delaying my dreams. I do believe that one must SACRIFICE (aka Delay Gratify) in the present to reap greater rewards in the future. For example, a person may work their butt off when they first start a business and may sacrifice time with their family in the present. However, the business they started becomes stronger and more self sufficient, which allows more family time. One may work hard at school or at work to enjoy career success down the road. These are examples of delay gratification.

The above examples should not be confused with delaying the dreams you have rightfully earned and have always desired. For example, I would delay seeing family using work as an excuse. I would drive a simple car, when I earned and deserved to drive something nicer. I would let my weight and body go, when I had the time to exercise and make more healthier food options. I would delay starting my business, because I was too busy at work making money. I would delay fighting for Financial Freedom, because I felt I did not know how to obtain it.

All these examples have one BIG thing in common. I DID NOT FEEL I WAS GOOD ENOUGH TO DESERVE THEM. The source of that thinking can vary. However, the BIGGEST thing is to CHANGE that thinking to “I DO DESERVE THOSE REWARDS.” I worked to make those rewards a reality and I deserve to enjoy them.

Remember there is a time and place for delayed gratification. However, do not punish yourself any longer. Go after your Dreams. Help yourself and children to have that same mindset. It is a Young Defender’s mindset.