It Is A Numbers Game…..






Numbers play a big role in our lives. Our social security number, bank balance, our age, our GPA, our tax bracket, our anniversary, screen time, the calories we eat, our IQ, our weight and our grades are just a small list of “important” numbers. Nature did not create these numbers, but humankind puts so much importance on them. Why?

Many argue we must set some type of value to different areas of our life to be more effiecient, productive, and to guage how are lives are going. I am not here to argue the importance of numbers, but I do wish to draw attention to how much importance we put on many numbers.

Like superpowers, numbers can be used for good or bad. Take for example someone’s bank balance. We look at our bank balance and feel good or dejected by it. We get down on ourselves or feel proud of ourselves because of this one particular number. We step on the scale and feel good or depressed by the number that is displayed. It is pretty amazing how our mood can change due to some simple numbers.

Use numbers to challenge yourself, but not to put yourself down. Use numbers as motivation to help others and yourself. As students, you may not have that grade, GPA, or SAT score you wanted. Do not get down on yourself. Use those numbers as a way to challenge yourself and to seek guidance. If your business or job is not giving you the income you want, do something about it. Don’t put yourself down or feel sorry for yourself. Use those numbers as a way to better yourself. Numbers are magical when combined with the right attitude.

Another number is how many days you will live in this life time. More importantly, how many of those days will you be living surrounded by the people you want in your life, doing the things you want to do, living healthy, and living your ideal, dream life. No matter your age, that is the number you should focus upon. In my opinion, it is your most important number. Let us call this your Happy Days. No connection to the old TV show. Your Happy Days should outnumber and dominant your total days. It is your formula for success. Work with your loved ones, your friends, and mentor to make your Happy Day everyday. It will be a challenge in the beginning, but use what you have learned and your mentors to make most of your days, Happy Days.