A Reminder…

One of my closest friends and greatest advisors is my wife. For every great man, there is a great woman beside them or behind them. I do not remember the exact quote, but you know what I mean. She reminded last night while we were getting ready for bed that you will never achieve greatness or more in your life until YOU FIRST BELIEVE THAT YOU DESERVE GREATNESS AND MORE IN YOUR LIFE. It was a punch and wake up call at the same time.

I have been a hypocrite. I want my children to have the mentality that they deserve all the fruits that the world has to offer, as long as they put the work in to make it happen. I was putting the work in, but not having that deserving attitude. I believe in delay gratification, but I was taking it too far. I was depriving myself. I was not setting the right example for my children too. I deserved to live in a great neighborhood, drive a nice car, go on nice vacations, live in good health, have loving relationships, and make a great income. Obviously, I needed to put the work in to make this a reality, but first I had to believe I deserved it. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THAT DESERVING ATTITUDE, YOU WILL FIND WAYS TO SABATOGE YOURSELF FROM ACHIEVING YOUR GOALS AND DREAMS. I feel God and the Universe wants us to thrive and enjoy the fruits life has to offer. WE MUST BELIEVE WE ARE DESERVING OF THOSE FRUITS AND TEACH OUR CHILDREN THE SAME MENTALITY. WORK HARD, WORK SMART, AND PLAY HARD!

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